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Random work

The isle of misfit toys

One of the trickier things about curating a portfolio site is knowing when it’s time to trim the fat. In with the new and out with the old, as they say. So over time you prune your site, and occasionally you have some odds and ends that don’t fit into their own page anymore. Here’s an assortment of precisely that kind of work.

Retro Mid Century

This is one of my absolute favorite styles to work in. Sort of a pen and ink mid century commercial illustration style you would have seen in funky old 50s advertisements and catalogs.


Here’s a series of illustrations I’ve done of different buildings and other architectural elements. Wanted to lean heavily on stylized imagery and interesting color palettes. A lot of my inspiration came from mid century animation background artwork seen in films by such studios as UPA, Jay Ward Productions, and Warner Brothers.


Landscape illustration features heavily in my work. It might be because my grandmother was an accomplished landscape oil painter. It might be because I’ve spent the better part of my life living in the mountains. Probably a little of both.

Fall and Spooky Stuff

I’m a big fan of the fall. Thematically it’s my favorite season and I love the imagery related to it, including both the autumn colors and of course Halloween!