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High 5 Pack

High 5 Pack

This is one of my favorite pieces of packaging I’ve designed for Willie’s Reserve. This tin holds 5 joints and is now available in Colorado, Washington, California, and Maryland.

We worked closely with the manufacturer to get the 2 levels of embossing on this tin dialed in just right and they came out great. I’m super pleased with the print fidelity.

So far it seems our customers are big fans of the design. Always a point of pride for me when a piece of my packaging helps add value to one of our products.

I’m also proud to announce that the High 5 Pack took a Gold in the 2019 Seattle American Advertising Awards and a Silver in the District XI American Advertising Awards and was among the top 5 entries according to total judge’s score in the Seattle show. And if that wasn’t cool enough, it also was selected for a Communication Arts design award and a Print Magazine Regional Design Award. Quite an honor.

